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TAKING A DEEPER LOOK INTO THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF EDUCATION. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the well-being of students to..
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The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the well-being of students to the forefront of multiple agendas for educators. We recognise that schooling is so much more than a programme for learning. Classrooms should be environments where young people experience chances to play, enjoy themselves. A place where they understand their journey to self-actualization. The path forward is addressed by this article.

I am considering this time as a chance to go a little further into our thoughts about the role of education in our. The value of education in our culture and where well-being should be put. The world has changed as we know it. Education has changed as well; this is an inescapable fact, and maybe it would be a positive thing.


Michael Fullan (2019) asks one to understand the most important aspects of education in his book Nuance:

[1] Helping students appreciate their life’s meaning

[2] Enabling students to build positive progress and address significant challenges that enhance well-being

[3] Teaching students to recognise distinction and get along with others

[4] Providing the growth of skills as well as opportunities for enjoyment, elegance, play and playfulness


It was glaringly clear when I read these targets that education can be so much more than just typical subject learning.

In the future, the society our young people experience will be complex. If they want to succeed and attain individual achievement, they will require the entire person’s education. This is particularly true as, after almost six months, we begin to re-introduce students into kindergarten. This either in person or digitally. If we actually jumped right back into the curriculum without simultaneously giving enough opportunities for play, joy, engagement, and unpacking some of the serious social justice problems we are currently facing, we will be doing our young people a great disservice.

The approach of Fullan to pursuing these significant educational aims deeply rooted in a form of education for social justice. The magic here, with regard to our modern educational fact, is that this approach to pedagogy is one that applied concurrently to achieve citizenship and well-being. This methodology called “deep learning” by Fullan; or “learning that remains with you for the rest of your life” by Fullan (p. 107). A deep dive into character, patriotism, imagination, and critical thought involved.

The Link to Well-being:

This deep learning gets on a tactile basis at student well-being. It is much more complex than the commodified well-being society in which we can sometimes catch ourselves  dealing today. Well-being screening, monitoring and purchasing is a convenient pit to slip into. However, it is far from what our students need, especially this year. So there are some crucial things to ask ourselves, our schools and our youth.

To us, what does well-being mean?


How do we describe that? In the face of an unpredictable planet, what are the distinctive characteristics of well-being that we like to walk away with?

When it comes to how we steer our young people (and ourselves) towards surfing the waves of a tumultuous world, what matters most?

For psychology, all of this checks out. As educators and parents, if you remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we have a responsibility to fulfil the physiological, protection, belonging and confidence requirements of our young people. Deep learning gets to the pyramid at the last bit; one’s self-actualization. That magic in the life of a person when he learns who he is, his gifts, his ability, his intent. At this stage of education, how wonderful it is for one’s well-being to think about oneself.  This is really close to the definition of the W.H.O. . A state where children can enhance their skills and talents. Where he/she can cope with life’s usual pressures. Can work productively and fruitfully, and may contribute to her or his society.”

I think we have to step back and ask ourselves if we are actually doing this job.  How we can do it if we are not. We owe it to our community.


I think it a serendipitous twist of fate that in the same year, a global and ethnic pandemic collided.  A path forward could help our young people be the drivers of progress that the world needs. Moreover,  a tool to protect their well-being as well.

For more click: How to achieve happiness



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