

a view of a valley with a waterfall in the distance

Day By Day Action Journal Bring mindfulness to your daily actions.

Thinking piece was extracted from my new novel, Human Nature Rules.We all have aspirations...
a view of a valley with a waterfall in the distance


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Thinking piece was extracted from my new novel, Human Nature Rules.We all have aspirations and goals. The target that is to be achieved varies from person to person . When we have a conversation with some of them, one thing that we can immediately notice is their clear lack of ambitions and goals.

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They do not have any clarity regarding their aspirations. In other words, they are short sighted. They often fail to take the bigger picture into considerationThe most prominent manifestations of short-term logics are:

1. Unintended results about thinking

History provides countless examples of this occurrence. In 44 BC, a large  community of  men in ancient Rome feared that Julius Caesar would establish monarchy. They plotted to kill him and restore the republic power. Hence, after the series of events that followed, Caesar’s nephew Octavius took over the throne. Octavius immediately established monarchy after becoming the ruler. After Caesar ‘s passing, the fact that he never wanted to establish monarchy emerged. Hence, this was exactly what his conspirators wanted to prevent.

If we just take a look at the daily lives of people around us, we can see similar cases. We attempt to teach manners to  angry, young teenagers by punishing them and inflicting some constraints on their actions. This will just make them more rebellious and uncontrollable. We often try to cheer up a sad person by letting them think that their life isn’t that bad and the sun is shining. This can lead to them being even more depressed and aloof than before. They may start  feeling bad for their unhappiness. This might also lower their self-esteem and make them feel more lonely. Let us consider a different case. This, in turn, can lead to making the wife more paranoid and more prying, shutting him ever more. Hence, this might even cause setbacks in their married life.


The cause of this age-old phenomenon is relatively simple.

healthy life

Caesar never planned on starting a monarchy thinking. Delhi’s poor people genuinely hated their colonial rulers. Americans largely didn’t want to engage in a war with Japan. Operating from such a distorted view results in all manner of perverse consequences. Hence, in such situations, about the long term effects of one’s decisions and actions is very important.  For example ,the British government should not have provided a bounty for dead cobras. They should have realized that doing so would inevitably cause poor people to breed them.

Every global phenomenon is dynamic thinking by nature. The people you’re working with are similarly complicated. Any action sets an infinite reaction chain. It’s never as easy as A leads to B. B contributes to C , D and beyond. Other characters are dramatized, and their motives and reactions are hard to anticipate. You can’t trace these chains or have a full grip on their effects. However, by proper planning and with a good strategy, the chance of getting an adverse negative result can be minimized . We also need to make use of our imagination to predict the outcomes of our actions.

You’re stuck in many challenges or fights. You may feel as if you are not making any considerable amount of progress. Moreover, you know you’ve already spent so much time and resources that giving up will be a huge loss. You’ve lost sight of your long-term ambitions. It’s been a matter of asserting your pride and showing you’re right. Sometimes we see this dynamic of marital spats. In most cases, it’s no longer about fixing the partnership, it’s about forcing one ‘s opinion. Often you feel defensive and petty in these fights, your heart gets dragged downward. There are signs that you  are slowly descending into tactical hell.

Our brains are built for logical thoughts — calculating many steps toward our targets.

The only option is to temporarily or permanently avoid these wars, particularly if they arise on many fronts. You need detachment thinking and insight. Calm down your ego. Know that winning a debate or arguing a case doesn’t get you anywhere in the long run. Nothing good can ever be obtained through  such fights. Win by deeds, not thoughts. Start reconsidering your long-term priorities. Build a ladder of life ideals and goals. Know what truly matters to you. 

In the majority of these cases, you’ll know that in the end  all those fights aren’t worth it. They can lead to wastage of our  precious resource and time. It’s always easier to walk away from a war, no matter how profoundly you’re  involved. Your energy and your spirit is essential. Feeling small and depressed does not help anyone. It will have reverberating effects on your ability to think creatively and achieve your targets. One must always lead an optimistic life. The mechanism mentioned above can help elevate your viewpoint. It can also help in placing your mind on the strategic plane. In life, strategists will always triumph over tacticians.

3.Thinking Ticker Fever

In the run-up to the 1929 Wall Street crash, a large number of people obsessed with the stock market. Hearing the clicking noise meant something happening. It meant that someone had either made or lost a fortune. Many attracted to the sound itself. This was Wall Street ‘s pulse. In our case, we do not have a  ticker tape. However, our situation thinking is not very different from theirs. Many of us hooked to the 24 hour live news stream, to “what’s trending,” to the Twitter feed and so on. Whenever anything significant happens around the world, we immediately get notified.

This need to know is immediately built-in.

Once we expect to get the news instantly, we will never get back to the slower pace of the past. Such impatience appears to spill over into the other facets of our life. This includes driving, reading thoughts, watching a movie and so on. Our attention span and awareness for any barriers thinking in our way declines.

Let us take a look at the life and journey of Abraham Lincoln. He lived during a period where the internet and other forms of modern technology were non-existent. If there were no major thinking wins ,it could lead to the public opinion turning against the campaign. Hence, Lincoln ‘s task would have become difficult if the North were divided. He required restraint, but also battlefield victories.

The North suffered a great setback at Bull Run during the first few years of  the war. This led to almost everyone doubting the president ‘s integrity.

Famous Northern personalities like the popular editor Horace Greeley encouraged the president to negotiate peace.

Others encouraged him to plunge the North into an urgent blow to smash the South, even if the army wasn’t ready for it.

The events that followed will be written in the chapters of America’s history forever. The North struggled to produce a single strong victory until Grant eventually ended the siege at Vicksburg in 1863. What followed was the victory at Gettysburg. This was under General Meade. After these events, the entire nation hailed Lincoln as a visionary.

After a period of six months, Grant slowed down his pursuit of the Confederate Army under General Lee. 

This put a lot of weight on Lincoln. He eventually wrote a letter in late August 1864 detailing the terms of peace he would give the South. However, fate had other plans. That very same night, Lincoln felt guilty. This led to him hiding the letter in his closet. The tide had to turn, he thought, crushing the South. The following week, General Sherman marched towards Atlanta. As a result, any questions about Lincoln immediately disappeared.

Through proper thoughts and analysis, Lincoln had accurately calculated both sides’ respective strengths and vulnerabilities. Moreover, he carefully computed the war. Others unexpectedly pick up the initiative After a careful study, the writer wrote : “Surrounded by all kinds of competing arguments, by traitors, by half-hearted, cowardly men, by men of Frontier States and Free States, by militant abolitionists and conservatives, he listened to all, weighed the words of all, watched, noticed, yielded here and now, but in the main one remained inflexible, truthful.

Lincoln supplies us with the blueprint for achieving our goals. First and foremost, we must cultivate patience, a muscle that takes preparation and practice to make it solid. Lincoln was supremely polite. When facing some sort of problem or challenge, Part of this includes determining the parties’ respective strengths and limitations. Such clarification helps us to withstand the frequent emotional overreactions of those around us. Finally, having confidence during this time will inevitably be of great help to us.

4. Missing in triviality thoughts

Sometimes, your work’s complexity may overwhelm you. You feel the need to be on top of all the facts and global developments. You wish to be the one who is responsible for monitoring things, but you’re drowning in information. It might also be hard for an individual to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a sure indication you’ve lost a grasp of your priorities.

Let us take the example of Spain’s King Philip II (1527–1598). He had a prodigious appetite for paperwork and kept the Spanish government at the top on all aspects. This gave him a sense of control, but eventually it made him lose control. He demanded countless updates on the Turkish army ‘s condition. Based on these, he claimed they showed signs of great vulnerability and planned to start a war against the Turks. This was a mistake. The war that followed would last eighteen years. It lacked a conclusive outcome.

Spain also faced another similar situation.

The King spent a great deal of time and attention on every single article on the English navy, Queen Elizabeth’s allies and so on. Based on these learning, he decided to unleash the Armada against England in 1588. However, one area where he should have paid attention was the weather forecast. A strong storm at sea would prove to  be fatal for Armada. He also failed to realize that the situation was constantly changing. So, though he seemed incredibly detailed-oriented, he was never on top of something. . As a result, this affected his reasoning . This led to him taking decisions that contributed directly to the Spanish empire’s inevitable collapse.

Many of us are actually more like King Philip II than we’d like to think. Like King Philip, we prefer to take details without considering our goals, which ultimately matters. Assimilating too much detail leads to emotional exhaustion, confusion, and helplessness. We all often give attention to the less-important aspects like placing toilets and  waging a war with the Turks. Knowing what we wish to do will eventually help us differentiate the important from the non-essential.

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